Sold Out of Pupsicle Mix, But We'll Be Back in Stock Soon! - Cooper's Treats



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June 08, 2020 1 min read

You like us, you really like us!

A couple of days ago, we received an unexpected deluge of orders (thanks to all the fine people over at Hacker News who took an interest in our products), and we're completely sold out!

The good news is we've got more ingredients on the way and should be shipping again by next week. We've got quite a backlog of orders building up, so that next batch is almost fully accounted for - if you're thinking about ordering, we definitely recommend doing that ASAP.

Thank you so so so so so much to everyone who has ordered. I can't tell you how much your support means to us. We set out to make something that's healthy and fun, and it feels fantastic to know that's something all you fine folks want.

We're going to keep scaling up production so we can get all of our orders fulfilled, but in the mean time we would be eternally grateful if you'd let your dog-loving friends know about Cooper's Treats. If you want to keep up with our promotions and new product updates, you can follow us on Facebook and Instagram.